The Angrez Story

Every successful venture has an interesting back story and its share of difficulties and triumphs. The Angrez is no exception. How this film came into making is an interesting story in itself.

Kunta Nikkil, the director of the film, spent a good amount of time on the script of 'The Angrez'. He approached many people, shot a half hour promo on a DV Camera, yet nobody came forward.

Enter M Sridhar Rao, an ISB alumnus and an entrepreneur, who saw the potential in the script and braved to produce the film. Well, the rest is history, so to say, but the journey was definitely not so easy. When the movie was initially released, not many people took notice but after the fifth week, it got a country wide release. The film created a record by running in a single theatre alone for 25 weeks and a good number of days in other theatres. After it's success, many film-makers churned out Hyderabadi films, but none could leave an impact that The Angrez left on its audiences. To this day, popular Facebook pages use Salim Pheku and Ismail Bhai to come up with one-liners and YouTube is flooded with spoofs and videos.